Premium Organic Meals
有机 · 时膳 · 低碳
Organic Gourmet Low Carb

Gourmet Organic Kitchen promotes the healthy culture of low-carb and vegetarian diet. Fully organic ingredients such as organic fruits and vegetables, organic eggs/chicken are used, including organic seasonings as flavour enhancers.
Through humanistic hands, even the busiest urbanites can enjoy a heart-warming traditional meal at work with balanced nutrition, exquisite and photogenic presentation, where taste and visual needs are met at the same time.
Each cut of the knife, each stir-fry in the wok and each spoonful of the meal allows you taste the essence of various countries, and by savouring the humanistic atmosphere of ALIVE, a healthy and mesomorphic body constitution are simultaneously created.
This is the exquisite life experience you deserve to have.