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在做清调补食疗之前, 我面容非常憔悴,气血不顺, 太多毒素累积在我体内, 甚至荷尔蒙失调,手烂。做了食疗之后, 我可以感觉到从内到外的改善, 脸色也变好了!
Summer Phang14 days food therapy + Pure series skincare
Summer Phang14 days food therapy + Pure series skincare
配合着Alive的草药保健品和我的日常祈祷,我完成了Alive10天的饮食疗法。通过这个项目,我成功地清除了在我体内积聚了多年的毒素。另外,我还瘦了7公斤! 我真的很感激,我觉得自己身体上更健康、更有活力,精神上也更专注了。更不用说,我的肤色变得更亮了。同时,我的消化能力也得到了改善!
I completed a 10-days Alive Holistic Food Therapy Program with only Alive’s Herbal supplements along with my daily prayers routine. Through this program, I managed to get rid of the toxins that had been accumulated in my body for many years. Plus, I lost 7kg of my weight! I’m really grateful that I feel much healthier and energetic physically and much more focused mentally. Not to mention, my complexion has become brighter. Also, my digestion has also improved!
Noor Azman10 days food therapyI completed a 10-days Alive Holistic Food Therapy Program with only Alive’s Herbal supplements along with my daily prayers routine. Through this program, I managed to get rid of the toxins that had been accumulated in my body for many years. Plus, I lost 7kg of my weight! I’m really grateful that I feel much healthier and energetic physically and much more focused mentally. Not to mention, my complexion has become brighter. Also, my digestion has also improved!

Since doing Food Therapy for fifteen days with massage therapy, my palms and soles were warm and soft. My passing motion frequency increased and there were no constipation problems. My mind became clearer, skin became smoother and pimples on my face started to fade away.
Melissa Hui10 days food therapySince doing Food Therapy for fifteen days with massage therapy, my palms and soles were warm and soft. My passing motion frequency increased and there were no constipation problems. My mind became clearer, skin became smoother and pimples on my face started to fade away.

皮肤也很容易敏感,长痘痘, 肠胃也不好。饮食疗法帮助我把身体30多年的毒素通通都排出来了。体重从56kg下降到48. 2kg。皮肤癣的症状也痊愈了,气色也红润了,再也没有一个月一次的生病了。食疗启发到我得好好的管理我日常饮食和坚持每天都运动。也让我找回了我健康的体魄和美丽的脸蛋!
Ruixanne24 days food therapy + Pure series skincare
断食不止疗愈了我的身体, 让我大量的排毒, 强化我身体的排毒机制, 也让我
修炼了更多的感恩心, 还提升了自己的厨艺。经过了这趟旅途, 我的毒素清了很多,
肤色亮了, 赘肉少了, 水肿消了, 头脑
思绪清了好多。另外, 长期的鼻子敏感, 手心脚板出汗得到了很大的改善。最后, 身体的湿气也明显减少了许多,
Wong Zheng Yan10 days food therapy + Pure series skincare
经过10天的ALIVE 饮食疗法, 我背部的疼痛减轻了,消化系统改善了,排便很顺畅,痘痘也减少了
After a few treatment sessions and 10 days of fasting, I am very happy that my backache and digestive system has improved. Besides that, my bowel movements are now smoother and my pimples are getting less.
Siow Shy Wen10 days food therapyAfter a few treatment sessions and 10 days of fasting, I am very happy that my backache and digestive system has improved. Besides that, my bowel movements are now smoother and my pimples are getting less.

完成了ALIVE 的饮食疗法后,现在的我神采焕发,肚腩消了,双脚也不再发麻。
After completing ALIVE food therapy, I got my natural healthy glow, lost my big belly, and my legs are no longer numb. This 8-day therapy has brought me greater health in exchange!
Teh Lai Hock8 days food therapyAfter completing ALIVE food therapy, I got my natural healthy glow, lost my big belly, and my legs are no longer numb. This 8-day therapy has brought me greater health in exchange!

Alive’s purification programme has helped me by greatly reducing my water retention as well as the weight gained from studying in the United States of America! It is absolutely wonderful!
Regina See10 days food therapyAlive’s purification programme has helped me by greatly reducing my water retention as well as the weight gained from studying in the United States of America! It is absolutely wonderful!

接受了Alive 10天的饮食疗法和按摩疗程后,现在的我精神奕奕, 感觉身体轻盈多了! 手心冒汗的问题有了非常明显的改善,
After accepting the challenge from Alive's 10-day food therapy and therapeutic massage, I returned with high spirits and I felt much lighter in weight! There are obvious improvements in my sweaty palms and I no longer worry about giving handshakes.
Ewen10 days food therapyAfter accepting the challenge from Alive's 10-day food therapy and therapeutic massage, I returned with high spirits and I felt much lighter in weight! There are obvious improvements in my sweaty palms and I no longer worry about giving handshakes.

Mei Huey10 days food therapy我也承诺了每年都会做一次食疗,好好的照顾身子、爱自己!

After a series of treatment programs at Alive’s centre, I’m more energetic and have clearer thoughts. Moreover, my friends and relatives commented that I look noticeably slimmer with more elastic, firmer and smoother skin texture.
Jamie Tan10 days food therapyAfter a series of treatment programs at Alive’s centre, I’m more energetic and have clearer thoughts. Moreover, my friends and relatives commented that I look noticeably slimmer with more elastic, firmer and smoother skin texture.

25天的饮食食法让我真的彻底改变了!原本的高血压,现在恢复正常了,而且无需再吃药。让我感到开心的是尿酸导致脚后跟常痛的问题 已经痊愈了!更令人感到雀跃的是我的体重整整减了10公斤!
A 25-day food therapy that really did a 180 degree turn on my bad health! Now, my blood pressure is normal which meant no more medications, and my heels are no longer painful! The most exciting part is my weight has gone down a total of 10kg!
Pei Ying25 days food therapyA 25-day food therapy that really did a 180 degree turn on my bad health! Now, my blood pressure is normal which meant no more medications, and my heels are no longer painful! The most exciting part is my weight has gone down a total of 10kg!

我脸部两侧的斑明显淡化, 讲话中气足, 爬楼梯也不容易喘。
断食和定期的按摩让我心情变得愉悦, 重要的是我的下半身消瘦了许多, 短短的两个星期, 我的腰围共瘦了15cm! 断食也改善了便秘和偏头痛问题。
I have done my fasting program, and the happiest outcome of fasting is that my freckles have obviously lightened, my vitality is stronger and I wouldn’t feel breathless when climbing up the stairs. Furthermore, I’m more cheerful, look slimmer, and I lost 15cm on my waist in just 2 weeks. The fasting program also helped to relieve my constipation and migraine problems.
Jessie Tan10 days food therapy + Therapeutic MassageI have done my fasting program, and the happiest outcome of fasting is that my freckles have obviously lightened, my vitality is stronger and I wouldn’t feel breathless when climbing up the stairs. Furthermore, I’m more cheerful, look slimmer, and I lost 15cm on my waist in just 2 weeks. The fasting program also helped to relieve my constipation and migraine problems.

完成了10天的ALIVE 饮食疗法后, 我排出了大量的宿便。以前常常长痘痘和肚子涨风的问题都得到明显的改善!让我感到开心的是腰围小了11cm, 感觉身体更轻松,气色透亮了!
After completing 10 days of Alive Food Therapy, I managed to pass a lot of impacted stools. Even my long troubled pimples and bloating issues have significantly improved. I’m so delighted that my waistline has reduced 11cm, and I feel so much lighter and my complexion is much more radiant as well.
Mei Lean10 days food therapyAfter completing 10 days of Alive Food Therapy, I managed to pass a lot of impacted stools. Even my long troubled pimples and bloating issues have significantly improved. I’m so delighted that my waistline has reduced 11cm, and I feel so much lighter and my complexion is much more radiant as well.

我的脸慢慢亮了起来, 意想不到的是我不再需要以来咖啡来提神了, 我的酒瘾也没有了。精神体魄通通归来, 工作效率也提高了, 手脚冰冷的症状也改善了。之前每当大热天的时候, 我的身体总是很痒,现在这个问题也解决了!
Joanne Yap10 days food therapy
Charlie Ngan13 days food therapy + Pure series skincare
在短短的1个月里,在食疗和Alive护肤品的帮助下 , 我身体的症状渐渐消失, 气色也改善了。现在我每天都活力充沛, 早上起床都很精神,处理事务也更清晰了。
Handy10 days food therapy + Pure series skincare
短短的9天饮食食疗法, 我排了很多宿便, 感觉身体变得轻盈, 思绪清晰,水肿改善了,手也不再麻痹。现在每晚都可以睡得香甜,而且双脚变得有力。我也发现气色透亮了, 脸上的斑也减少了很多!人变得更活力了!
A mere 9-days food therapy program, I got rid of so much impacted stool. My body is much lighter now, with a much clearer mind, not to mention my water retention has significantly improved and I no longer experience numbness in my hands. Now I can sleep soundly every night. I also realized my complexion is much radiant now with lesser pigmentation. I feel much more energetic!
Helena9 days food therapyA mere 9-days food therapy program, I got rid of so much impacted stool. My body is much lighter now, with a much clearer mind, not to mention my water retention has significantly improved and I no longer experience numbness in my hands. Now I can sleep soundly every night. I also realized my complexion is much radiant now with lesser pigmentation. I feel much more energetic!

Before therapy, physically I was
feeling bloated, heavy...like I was holding onto a lot of excess.
My body felt swollen and stiff.
This also had an affect on my mental state.
After food therapy, I lost around 2.5kg. This was very visible, particularly in the lower half of my body. Physically and mentally I started to feel much lighter. The whole process had multiple positive knock-on effects.
Irem10 days food therapyAfter food therapy, I lost around 2.5kg. This was very visible, particularly in the lower half of my body. Physically and mentally I started to feel much lighter. The whole process had multiple positive knock-on effects.

De Vie
我加入 De Vie 不止学习到如何做事业, 我很幸运能够学习Alive推广了30年最宝贵的全人文教育。De Vie是非一般创业平台, 教会我们赚钱过程中如何同步成长, 吸引全方位富裕, 如: 健康, 感情, 家庭, 理想 & 事业, 让我们经营好自己的人生。除此之外最吸引我的就是能学习如何打造我的个人魅力哦,将自己塑造成一个会走路的品牌。哈哈哈! 因为我才是最贵的产品。Alive的导师们每位都很优秀, 颜值很高哦。每位导师真的像妈妈一样地关心和照顾每一位精英, 团队与团队之间互相扶持, 像一家人那样温馨 !
One of the biggest changes I've seen in myself after joining De Vie is that I have gotten so much more confident in the way I communicate, carry myself and more importantly the way I think.De Vie is an incredibly special platform that allows us to have an extra income stream, while expanding our knowledge in personal growth. It's not just about attending classes, but the 1-1 sessions with my mentor has been humbling and allowed me to communicate my thoughts and my ambitions of being a better person.Here, I'd like to take the chance to thank Teacher Lilin Teh, and the entire Alive team for putting together such a unique platform!
Carmen Au
加入De Vie后,我发现我的思维思想方面, 有了很大的改变, 我学会也习惯凡事往正面去思考。以前参加的微商培训, 都是围绕着产品, 教导着如何hard sell。 而 De Vie的培训, 除了教我们如何经营这盘生意, 还教会我们如何提升自身魅力, 进而实现不卖而卖。加入De Vie后,对我来说最难忘的一件事就是改善了“折磨”我四年的失眠。 我一直吃着类似安眠药的保健品。 一开始我以为是压力造成,直到跟Hugo导师深入倾谈后, 我才知道造成我失眠地原因, 是曾经发生的某些事情, 影响着我的心理。之后, Hugo导师和郑老师慢慢的引导我, 让我直面解决我的心里问题。吃了四年安眠保健品的我, 在问题解决后, 我可以直接不靠药物入睡。直到今天, 失眠问题也再没缠着我了。
加入De Vie最大的收获是方法就在眼前, 快速学习到如何经营自己的人生。加入De Vie最难忘的一件事当然是郑老师30年经验老到的面诊, 面诊往往都是非常到位, 就连脊椎骨受伤过也能察觉, 自己本身也见识过面诊, 非常的准谢谢郑老师的方法, 非常感恩, 真所谓 “墙都不服, 就服郑老师” 。感谢各位导师的一对一培训, 每一次的激励都非常有价值和帮助, 在 De Vie 简直就像结婚包生子
CY Seet
加入De Vie最大的收获是我的内外兼修 外在形象打造, 让我看起来年轻又有活力, 不再是auntie-looked了 ! 至于内在, 通过上全人文课程, 我的脾气不再暴躁了, 我懂得了用心平气和的方式处理事情, 和孩子相处变得乐融融了。连老公都说我做事不会急躁了, 会换位思考, 变得很正面了。De Vie给人一种很温暖的感觉, 很有爱, 总是正面的力量。De Vie 的特别之处是打造我的个人独特魅力, 让我的内心成长, 不断地提升自己的能力, 以我的生命、我的行动力去带希望给身边的人。加入De Vie最难忘的一件事是收到老师的语音说会全力支持我,指导我。老师日理万机, 有时我会想, 我何德何能得到老师的关注与关心?如果今天我加入的是别的平台, 我想我不懂要等到几时才可以和创办人见面, 更别说得到创办人的支持与指导 ! 感恩老师对每位精英的用心 !
感恩当年郑老师的一句话“外面的世界没有别人,只有自己”, 为我开启了精彩的个人成长旅程, 也感恩 Alive 开创的 De Vie 生活企业家计划, 让我能够透过这平台,以全人文精神, 来经营我的生意与生活。生命影响生命的力量, 我感受到了 愿我在未来也会有这个福气和能力去点亮更多的生命, 传承全人文的精神 ♥️
Mei Huey
我加入De Vie 最大的收获就是让自己更有自信表达自己的想法, 也学会了与不同性格的人沟通。 之外, 从 De Vie 我学会了养生, 让自己活得更活力健康De Vie 最特别的点就是让每个精英学习全人文, 不单教我们赚钱还教会我们经营自己的人生。 我最喜欢 De Vie 的其中一点是 De Vie 团队, 导师团队非常用心筹备每一件人事务, 每一件产品都是精选调配, 希望每一位使用者都可以很舒服及安全使用。De Vie 精英们也互相称赞和鼓励, 这是一件很难见到的现象, 这个团队就像一个大家庭一样, 互相帮助, 互相爱护~真的很高兴认识 ALIVE, 郑老师还有每一位导师, 因为 ALIVE 在我很迷茫的时候, 拯救了我, 让我认清自己的生命, 接受自己, 创造自己的人生剧本 !
过去的十年里, 我可以说我一直忙家庭, 忙工作, 忙到忘了自己也不舍得花钱在自己身上。直到遇到 Rachel 老师, 她的一句话深深的打动了我, “钱是被吸引回来的” 她说一个人的能量改变了, 磁场也跟着不同, 被吸引回来的人事物也会不同。过去的我一直用着同样的自己..结果已经出来了也就是现在的状态很不好。所以我豁出去, 我放下我内心的执着。我做了全套的清调补..从体内到体外, 同时还包括心灵上的清调补。在Alive所得到的不单只是身体健康了, 脸色变好了, 更主要的是Alive的全人文教育的课程能让我开悟, 让我了解什么是能量医学, 什么是利他的思维, 什么是生活品质和生命品质的不同!总结一句, Alive提供你身心灵整体美, 你有你自己的精彩, 祝福你看到了我的见证, 也希望你也和我一样可以活出你自己的精彩。感恩Alive公司和全体导师和精英们给予我的鼓励 !
加入De Vie 后, 看到的事情多了, 看事情的角度也多了, 解决事情的能力也在慢慢的提升中 !De Vie 真的和我以前了解过的直销/副业很不同, 真的 ! 别的直销生意不会关心你的情绪, 你的个人成长, 你的 future planning. 而在De Vie里,除了是我的一个副业, 更是我自我提升的一个地方。我们的目标一直都是做好自己, 不断地提升, 让自己有能力去点亮身边的人的生命。De Vie 里的培训四个字 “精华满满”, 再加两个字 “very fun”! 每一次的培训都能学到很多东西。就算是复课,每一次听都会有不同的收获。 真的是能给我们的老师和导师团队一个大大的thumbs up! 你们很棒,谢谢你们。
加入De Vie最大的收获, 就是获得了一个全新的自己, 无论是心灵或是健康上。De Vie最特别的地方在于,它不仅仅是一个让我们赚取钱财的工具, 更是一个打造我们个人魅力的平台 !De Vie里的培训都非常有智慧, 且即便透过不断的学习, 也还有很多课题是会从新颠覆自己旧有的思维。老师和导师们都真的费尽心思的帮助每一个有态度, 想要改善自己人生的人。 所以接下来当然要非常感谢老师和所有导师们, 为了带好学员们花了多少心血、时间和精力。感恩母亲给了我第一次生命,然后感恩ALIVE给了我第二次生命。
Zheng Yan
Product Reviews